Tuesday 6 April 2010

Week five

This week was quieter than previous weeks. Our objective was to finish the preparations for the Huntingdon Business Fair 2010. This week was about polishing off work that we had already done and talk to the printers (Mitsa). We also started talking about the projects which would needed to be completed before the business fair, such as the electric car and the Quickvox website (www.quickvox.com).
On Monday we came in and started working with GIMP (a photoshop clone) and for a period of time became very frustrated. We were using GIMP for the banner design which will play a key role in the advertisement of ScrumIT. With the banner taking center stage of the exhibit it was imperative that it exceeded expectations. Over the course of the week, many hours were spent realising our mental imagine of the design and deciding what was to be included. Mel wanted individual pictures of the team, where as none of us wanted pictures at all. We settled on a group picture in the end.
Going on to Tuesday, Ben returned from a serious case of Skivitus, the team continued with the GIMP project, and also started work on the control panel of the electric car. We did a CRC session trying to work out what was essential for doing this project, and we figured out the basics of what is needed.
Wednesday came along and we unfortunately found out that Lewis had caught a serious case of Skivitus (but still had time to go on Facebook). Mel took the executive decision early on that Domino's pizza was on the agenda for Lunch. We had finally finished the draft for the banner and along with other designs we proceeded to take them to Mitsa to ensure they were good enough for printing. While the selected group had gone, the rest of the team worked on describing virtualisation which was assigned to us all. This was complicated but was quickly on its way to being finished. Also during lunch, Emma and Phil took some free balloons from Domino's which were soon deflated and inhaled. Emma sounded like a chipmunk and Phil gave us a rendition of a song whilst under the influence of helium. This wasn't a great idea as later on it did not agree with us.
Thursday was Subway and Pay Daaaaaaay. Everyone was happy and distracted by the prospect of subway. We carried on with the planning of the car control panel and finished off the virtualisation report, only for it to not be read. Phil and Emma spent the day getting giddy over the upcoming party.

Food Menu:
Monday- tuna pasta bake
Tuesday- Curry
Wednesday- Dominos
Thursday- Subway

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